
Simple, dirt cheap, pocket EMF detector prototype

The Wavelight lets you make informed decisions about how you interact with EMF. It can be used to check the safety of equipment and cellular devices, help you locate EMF sources and leaks for troubleshooting, as well as reveal the invisible world of data transmission, letting you know when your phone or device is transmitting data in the background.

The device instantly turns the 2.4 Ghz signal into usable electricity in order to light the LED. The technology is being studied by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as a possible alternative to solar power in space– converting a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum into usable power.

The green LED light will illuminate when a 2.4 Ghz EMF frequency is present. This frequency is commonly used in cellular technology, walkie talkies and radio equipment, microwave ovens, wifi routers, as well as smart meters.

It has a short range of a few inches depending on the source of the signal, and the brightness of the light will increase with the intensity of the signal.

The Wavelight simple EMF detector has no conventional power source and should work for many, many years to come.

View the hidden world of EMF simply and easily!