I just uploaded a short 3-minute video that gives a little peek into who I am and what I am doing.! Come see me explain and and demo a few of my devices from our Oregon ranch. The video is super casual, shot by a filmmaker friend who is frequently over. Please excuse my morning hair in some of it! We definitely shot some of it right after my first cup of morning coffee the day after we had an entire Cannabis cup at our property, so don’t expect Gone With the Wind II. He has tons of footage and is very excited to share it. I can’t wait to see what he is putting together-! A much longer video will be ready very shortly and I will be as surprised as you all to see what he has put together.

Finally that useless “Under Construction” banner with the lame little construction cone icon is gone forever, and you can browse the small but growing rabbit hole of our product documentation. We will support each product that we produce in full and make it easy to not only view the instruction sheets remotely, but you will have access to all of our sales materials, supplemental documentation, how-to videos, relevant blog posts as well as full access to a certified third party review of all of our products with no middleman. So basically you can view anything and everything at any time from any device, and download it too if you prefer to have your instructions on your phone to take into the field for instance. I know that’s how the internet always worked, but still– mobile documents! Amazing.
Just click on resources and you are supported-! We will be adding everything we have as it comes out. And connecting it to our new YouTube channel (That’s correct! Video tutorials and cat videos inbound) like it really/is 2002 all over again. Enjoy and happy… being supported in every way when you buy one of our products and/or support our research. Cheers to discovery and innovation.