The first third party showcase of Earthlight™ in action out in the field is now ready-! Watch as Earthlight™ is tested in a variety of soils out in the wild, in order to find the most desirable potting soil straight from nature. The soil is assessed in terms of content (clay, silt, sand, etc.), visible worms, and other criteria. And the brightness reading from the unit is also assessed to find direct correlations between the soil and the device’s reading. There are 6 parts to the showcase with 6 different areas and samples assessed.
This is just one of many possible use cases for Earthlight™. It’s a great tool for learning about your environment and getting out and exploring. And then empowering yourself in your own garden by being able to incorporate healthy soil from the wild. You can find very active soils on the forest floor for instance, then retrieve a small sample to be made into very highly concentrated JADAM microbial solution. Expect a showcase from us, in-house, in the very near future that covers this amazing application which can save you tons of money on nutrients!
In the meantime, enjoy the work of Quantum Technology Consultants, in their quest to capture Earthlight™ doing what it does best while conducting a meaningful assessment of it’s effectiveness as a simple pocket tool for anyone involved in plants or soil.