It’s like “hidden pictures” from back in the day– how many Earthlights are there? Does yours work in coffee?

What’s more chill than that raccoon from those chillhop stations on Youtube hanging out in his super cozy plant nook? Chilling with Earthlight™in all of the plants, adding to the vibe, of course. People love their plants, and so do the raccoons, I imagine. Our special, patent-pending, plant-powered green light is chill compatible, high vibrational and 5D– light some incense, throw on some tunes and set the vibe with plant power. Cozy up with Earthlight™

A still from the new video

I just uploaded a short 3-minute video that gives a little peek into who I am and what I am doing.! Come see me explain and and demo a few of my devices from our Oregon ranch. The video is super casual, shot by a filmmaker friend who is frequently over. Please excuse my morning hair in some of it! We definitely shot some of it right after my first cup of morning coffee the day after we had an entire Cannabis cup at our property, so don’t expect Gone With the Wind II. He has tons of footage and is very excited to share it. I can’t wait to see what he is putting together-! A much longer video will be ready very shortly and I will be as surprised as you all to see what he has put together.

…Going to the printer this week. For vendors, customers and anyone who has no idea what an Earthlight™ is (most people). Note the gratuitous use of the color green! A departure from our black-and-white branding thus far. My marketing consultant told me that the purpose of the rack card is to grab somebody’s attention and the design I was pitching was horrible sleep-inducing greyscale. So, green– bam! In living (soil) color.

