…Going to the printer this week. For vendors, customers and anyone who has no idea what an Earthlight™ is (most people). Note the gratuitous use of the color green! A departure from our black-and-white branding thus far. My marketing consultant told me that the purpose of the rack card is to grab somebody’s attention and the design I was pitching was horrible sleep-inducing greyscale. So, green– bam! In living (soil) color.
So to be frank, the invention of Earthlight™ has been somewhat of a slow-burner of a wild ride. Not exciting enough to warrant a full-blown dramatization, nor mundane in the slightest. It didn’t take years of education or research teams in lab coats. It was a matter of being in the right place at the right time, with my interest gone full-blown passion project, with enough resources and support to get the ball rolling.
Like many, I lost my job to Covid. But unlike many, instead of experiencing hardship or scarcity, i was blessed enough to be given the freedom of time and lifestyle to be able to follow my curiosities and passions. After about a full year of being unemployed– traditionally speaking–and after a lot of reflection and meditation, I developed a sudden and keen interest in alternative energy. It seemed to me that a lot of the weight of human suffering and environmental devastation could be unburdened if the energy that makes up our world and our universe could somehow be harnessed–even in slight– to provide a tiny amount of useful, continual electricity to meet even the slightest of our demands.
I’m not talking about “free energy”. Such a thing does not exist. I am talking about minuscule electrical sources in nature. Advances in wind, solar and bio-fuel are fantastic and accelerating. So is our ability to store electricity. The problem with solar and wind is the fact that they are not continual power sources, respectively. In my summer of research, I scoured for possible solutions. I learned how to build and improve crystal cells. I did crazy experiments with a tesla coil. My housemates would relish the times I disappeared into my work desk for a few days and re-emerged excited with a promising new creation.
I’m not a scientist. I owned a landscaping company in Alaska for over a half decade. I went to college to be a writer. As I kid I used to take apart every single broken electronic I could get my hands on to see how it worked. Now somehow my childhood passions are partly combined and reignited. I used to play in the dirt when very young as well. Well it’s still pretty much my favorite activity.
It’s kind of one of those projects where you feel that it is doing you, instead of the other way around. Due to the time and quietness that I had been afforded to me amid our collective global calamity, certain dots were able to connect at the right time and place and well– there you go. That’s just how life is sometimes.
Well the project has been consuming much of my time and resources but it is one that I feel very strongly about. It is both powerful and important and i need to see it through. Solutions to problems that plague us can be found right below our feet. Soils are the answer and green power is the answer. Earthlight™ is where they combine to dazzlingly useful effect. It’s like a microbial fuel cell but different, simpler, and with real immediate utility. I cannot find another thing like it in existence and oh have I been looking. I just see larger setups with poorer results.
The project has gone (run me through the dryer) in phases. Testing, design, patenting and the production process were the first priority. Many nights working in the garage– the stuff of startup romance. Many things were learned and changed and that garage time was invaluable. Today there is a working production process and assembling line. The instructions (soon available online) could have been edited thousands of times… on the fly due to new discoveries and technical tweaks. The website has been slowly improved and updated. Now we are socially networking and we have an instagram, it’s 2022 and the cat is out of the bag now.
Now we are ready to build a community and start a living soil revolution. Looking forward, lots of new information, tips and tricks will be published. I’ll try to branch out a little and do some videos for you guys as well. That ‘resources’ page won’t be a ghost town for much longer. Supporting documentation is coming. Our business phone line is now active. We are a very small grassroots organization with a big heart and big dreams and we will always try to stay focused and do things differently so be please be patient with us.
The Earthlight™ is a very special item on a very special journey and thanks for coming along for the ride and what a privilege to bring it to you all. Let’s change the world together!
Thanks four your enthusiasm and patience,
-Devon (Inventor and CEO (but not the creepy, evil kind. Think more humanitarian than capitalist)) 🙂
the very first “Eureka!” Earthlight™ that started it all.
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/3638317.jpg20002000elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2022-01-15 05:43:112022-02-09 05:54:14Process, ironing out and looking forward
Green visible light will not affect a plant’s photoperiod or trigger photosynthesis. A plant cannot see green light because a plant’s green chlorophyll reflects it. That’s why plants appear green to us in the first place.
Green light, like that emitted by Earthlight™ will not disrupt the flowering cycle of your plant. The LED color choice was for this reason. People even use green lights to work on their plants at night. Plants like Cannabis that need to be deprived of light to trigger the flowering cycle will be completely unaffected by the device’s LED indicator light.
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpg00elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2022-01-07 06:09:472022-01-07 08:45:01Green light is invisible to plants
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpg00elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2022-01-04 08:23:142022-01-07 08:45:31Meet your plant’s simple needs in the New Year.
Happy Holidays from us at EOhm! To mark the special occasions of the Holiday season and the birth of our incredible new company and vision, we have developed a Christmas tree that is illuminated by the soil that the miniature Juniper is planted in.
We used three cells common the Earthlight™ and wired them in parallel for maximum current. They were able to fully illuminate the Christmas tree for many weeks!
Unfortunately, the acidic soil of the Juniper consumed the magnesium rods fairly quickly and it looks like the lights aren’t going to last until Christmas after all. Regardless, it was a fun experiment and a cool proof-of-concept. Don’t look for them for sale anytime soon, but we will keep plugging away and perhaps try to power another Christmasy plant with our technology.
With Earthlight™ you never need to guess about your potted indoor plants needing water. The device constantly feeds you valuable information in the background in a simple, easy-to-read format.
I personally used to struggle with my houseplants– I would unknowingly over-water them. Used to watering mainly outdoor perennials for my landscaping business in Alaska, I would water my indoor plants the same, as if they had the ability to drain properly with all of the extra water that I was giving them! Needless to say they suffered root rot and struggled, many clinging to dear life.
I haven’t been able to keep a proper houseplant in years. If only I had invented the Earthlight™ earlier. We’ve got about 7 of them setup in the house today in plants of various sizes. Some plants in awkward locations where we would never be able to manually check the soil without standing on a chair.
The green LED goes out and you water the plant like normal– its that simple.
A friend of mine uses one of them in his 10-gallon Cannabis pot. Our plants do great and are always perfectly watered. Plants on our sunny South-facing windowsill tend to dry out quickly, but we would never notice without the Earthlight™. Other plants in shady corners tend to stay wet longer– these are the ones I used to accidentally kill.
But not anymore. Plus these devices have me thinking about soil biology on a whole new level. I have seen first hand how an Earthlight™ struggles in poor, mass-produced potting soil and will light up a room (don’t worry, its easy to adjust the brightness and there is a “soft-glow mode”) in soil rich with microbial activity from Bokashi and Micorizzhae, perhaps a little Biochar.
It is also a soil-quality detector, you see. If you want it to work, you need to amend the soil with microbes that will create a full, living biome in your soil. It keeps tabs on the moisture once you keep tabs on your soil quality.
It’s a total win-win for your plant. Plus they emit small amounts of magnesium supplement. It’s like a time-release fertilizer as well.
Keep your indoor plants green with the Earthlight™. No awkward standing on chairs or dirty fingers in the middle of the day to check the soil–
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/2022-01-06_23-10.png462539elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2021-12-06 05:58:142022-01-07 07:16:37So much more than a moisture meter
Now we’re getting ready to conduct our first public demos for retailers.
The retail version has been upgraded in every way, and deemed fit for sale after extensive in-house and private testing. All wire connections have been improved and protected, the wires themselves are a foot long making for a more flexible setup. Solder connections have been removed in favor of straight to PCB wiring. A new flower-shaped waterproof housing with added LED grommet keeps with the plant theme as well and puts out a more clearly-defined light which is great for daytime visibility.
The whole device is built with a new compact stowaway mode that keeps all parts neatly bundled together until you release them for use– great for field testing and transporting.
Wait until you see it in action–! pick up yours today at the shop.
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The Earthlight™ labels have been sent to the printer for our Thursday rollout. The last shipment of parts will be here in a day or so and we are getting down to the very last draft of the instruction card– which will contain QR links to various demo videos to make things even easier.!
A basic demo of the function of the Earthlight™ in one of our tester plants.
We are proud to announce that our provisional patent application has been submitted and is now pending!
That’s right, Patent Pending.
Expect a flurry of activity as we gear up for sales, marketing and full commercial production of our magical little device.
New pictures, discussion and information can be found here on the blog during this exciting time as we move to bring you the coolest little plant gadget that quite possibly has ever been built–!
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/800px-Seal_of_the_United_States_Patent_and_Trademark_Office.svg_.png800800elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2021-11-06 05:18:312022-01-07 08:31:19Earthlight™ Provisional Patent Submitted to the USPTO!
After careful consideration, we have decided to pursue a provisional patent for the Earthlight™, leading up to a full patent application about a year from now.
We consider ourselves here at Elemental Ohm LLC to be very much to be artists and channelers of great ideas as well as innovators.
We are very proud of our creation and once our intellectual property concerning the product has been secured, the Earthlight™ will be officially offered for sale. We are just exiting the protoyping and testing phase and have committed to our design after extended testing and third party review.
We hope that you are as excited about the road ahead as we are. Exciting times ahead– light on!
https://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/2022-01-07_00-28.png486374elementalohmhttps://eohm.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/logotall-203x300.jpgelementalohm2021-09-24 06:13:502022-01-09 06:56:15Provisional Patent Application Underway for the Earthlight™