Entries by elementalohm

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Green light is invisible to plants

Green visible light will not affect a plant’s photoperiod or trigger photosynthesis. A plant cannot see green light because a plant’s green chlorophyll reflects it. That’s why plants appear green to us in the first place. Green light, like that emitted by Earthlight™ will not disrupt the flowering cycle of your plant. The LED color […]

A soil-powered Christmas

Happy Holidays from us at EOhm! To mark the special occasions of the Holiday season and the birth of our incredible new company and vision, we have developed a Christmas tree that is illuminated by the soil that the miniature Juniper is planted in. We used three cells common the Earthlight™ and wired them in […]


So much more than a moisture meter

With Earthlight™ you never need to guess about your potted indoor plants needing water. The device constantly feeds you valuable information in the background in a simple, easy-to-read format. I personally used to struggle with my houseplants– I would unknowingly over-water them. Used to watering mainly outdoor perennials for my landscaping business in Alaska, I […]


Earthlight™ is for sale (as of 11/11)

Now we’re getting ready to conduct our first public demos for retailers. The retail version has been upgraded in every way, and deemed fit for sale after extensive in-house and private testing. All wire connections have been improved and protected, the wires themselves are a foot long making for a more flexible setup. Solder connections […]

And away we go!

The Earthlight™ labels have been sent to the printer for our Thursday rollout. The last shipment of parts will be here in a day or so and we are getting down to the very last draft of the instruction card– which will contain QR links to various demo videos to make things even easier.!

Earthlight™ Provisional Patent Submitted to the USPTO!

We are proud to announce that our provisional patent application has been submitted and is now pending! That’s right, Patent Pending. Expect a flurry of activity as we gear up for sales, marketing and full commercial production of our magical little device. New pictures, discussion and information can be found here on the blog during […]


Provisional Patent Application Underway for the Earthlight™

After careful consideration, we have decided to pursue a provisional patent for the Earthlight™, leading up to a full patent application about a year from now. We consider ourselves here at Elemental Ohm LLC to be very much to be artists and channelers of great ideas as well as innovators. We are very proud of […]