Quantum Technology Consultants (QTC) is building an Earthlight™ Showcase–!
Elemental Ohm will be joining the “Q-Team”. QTC, a consulting firm that focuses on cutting-edge and disruptive upcoming technologies, and helping them get to market will be putting together a showcase for us.
This will include volumes of videos showing Earthlight™ in action, performing in the field and under controlled conditions. There will be scientific experiments and variables to identify and the whole process will be very revealing and exciting.
Check out all of the amazing work that they have done with amazing new technologies, many of which align with our company’s philosophy of improving the world and enabling healthy agricultural practices. Hang tight for lots of new videos of Earthlight™, and our first real third-party review!
QTC has also hired me as a technical consultant, so here’s toward a bright future of collaborations that will no doubt lead to even more innovating from us! There are very cool things in the pipeline, which we will disclose as we go. Get ready for a new era from us in our second year of business, as we are no longer isolated in small-town rural Oregon and have a much wider international reach. Very cool conversations and ideas are being thrown around and we are dusting off old prototypes and creating brand new ones– so buckle your seats!