With Earthlight™ you never need to guess about your potted indoor plants needing water. The device constantly feeds you valuable information in the background in a simple, easy-to-read format.

I personally used to struggle with my houseplants– I would unknowingly over-water them. Used to watering mainly outdoor perennials for my landscaping business in Alaska, I would water my indoor plants the same, as if they had the ability to drain properly with all of the extra water that I was giving them! Needless to say they suffered root rot and struggled, many clinging to dear life.

I haven’t been able to keep a proper houseplant in years. If only I had invented the Earthlight™ earlier. We’ve got about 7 of them setup in the house today in plants of various sizes. Some plants in awkward locations where we would never be able to manually check the soil without standing on a chair.

The green LED goes out and you water the plant like normal– its that simple.

A friend of mine uses one of them in his 10-gallon Cannabis pot. Our plants do great and are always perfectly watered. Plants on our sunny South-facing windowsill tend to dry out quickly, but we would never notice without the Earthlight™. Other plants in shady corners tend to stay wet longer– these are the ones I used to accidentally kill.

But not anymore. Plus these devices have me thinking about soil biology on a whole new level. I have seen first hand how an Earthlight™ struggles in poor, mass-produced potting soil and will light up a room (don’t worry, its easy to adjust the brightness and there is a “soft-glow mode”) in soil rich with microbial activity from Bokashi and Micorizzhae, perhaps a little Biochar.

It is also a soil-quality detector, you see. If you want it to work, you need to amend the soil with microbes that will create a full, living biome in your soil. It keeps tabs on the moisture once you keep tabs on your soil quality.

It’s a total win-win for your plant. Plus they emit small amounts of magnesium supplement. It’s like a time-release fertilizer as well.

Keep your indoor plants green with the Earthlight™. No awkward standing on chairs or dirty fingers in the middle of the day to check the soil–

It’s just so much more than a moisture meter.